EXCLUSIVE REPORT: A new trend of Greetings in Pakistan. . . Right or Wrong?


EXCLUSIVE REPORT: A new trend of Greetings in Pakistan. . . Right or Wrong?



Farukh Shehzad

From the last two years, coronavirus pandemic has been spread all over the world and we saw a huge number of people have lost their lives.

Heads of the governments of the entire world had put strict lockdown in their areas of living to curb the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus.

High-level government officials from around the world issued several kinds of SoPs for its people to follow on a regular basis.

Health workers, doctors, and other relevant departments told people that wash your hands for 20 seconds during every few hour to stay safe.

Doctors from all over the world emphasised people about avoiding unnecessary gatherings and spend most of your time at home to stay safe.

Doctors and heads of government of the entire world said that always wear a face mask when you go outside in the market.

Doctors and Health departments of all countries said that do not shake hands every time when you meet with your friends and family members, because when you shake hands it helps coronavirus to jump onto your body.


During this time of coronavirus, I noticed that a new trend to express greetings is taking place in all over the world, especially in the western world and this trend has also been shifting towards Pakistan as well from western world high-level heads of states.

And that new trend is “SHAKING ELBOWS OR TOUCHING ELBOWS” which means when two men meet at any place they touch their elbows to express greetings instead of doing shake hands because according to these high profiles govt officials shaking hands during the meeting is a dangerous act and it helps coronavirus to walk onto our body.


And this new trend of “SHAKING ELBOWS OR TOUCHING ELBOWS” is gaining rapid popularity in Pakistan’s society and culture as well which is quite alarming for us being a Muslim.

But at the same time these high profiles, well-educated govt officials of all countries believe that by “SHAKING ELBOW OR TOUCHING ELBOW” is a safe activity and it will not make any damage to us, they think the shifting of coronavirus thru touching elbow to our body can not happen at all.

Now here the question is raised and what we need to figure out that does this newly established trend of expressing greetings has any solid basis?

Does it okay to adopt this new greetings trend for the rest of life or not?

These are the few alarming points and questions and people must find their answers because everyone knows that finding answers to the questions always put you on the path of truth and that’s what we all need to do today.


For me, it is very simple and clear that if the coronavirus due to shaking hands is shifted from one person to another person than it (coronavirus) could also shift by touching elbow and shaking elbow of two men when they meet.

At the time of meeting with someone to express greetings if touching elbow for you is a safe activity and keeps you safe from coronavirus then at the time of the meeting between two men shaking hands should also be a safe activity.

Shaking hands is a much better way and highly natural act of a human being to express greetings at the time of meeting with someone.


So, I think we all should come back towards natural and Islamic act of shaking hands when we meet with someone because it is much better, beautiful and safe act as compared with touching elbows at the time of meeting with your friends and family to express greetings.


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  • Unknown
    Unknown 11 February 2021 at 17:54


      FARUKH SHEHZAD 28 February 2021 at 15:15

      Sir/Miss, Good to see here, and Thank you so much for your nice and positive compliment.

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