Bad Parenting: Lifelong Consequence

Bad Parenting: Lifelong Consequence

Munaza Kazmi

Parents tend to underestimate the behavioral influence that they have on their children, however in developing countries the ratio exceeds. It can be understood that, no one can be the perfect parent, but there are certain parenting behaviors that can have serious and lifelong negative effects on children.

In 2011, the UK’s Department for Education found that children who are exposed to bad parenting are two times more likely to misbehave. Inconsistent disciplinary approaches, poor supervision and physical punishment are poor parenting attributes that can negatively affect children, regardless of their ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

You must have some colleague in your workplace harsh and unfriendly, this is in actual their inability to have long lasting friendships and relations.This mostly happens when a person during his childhood was not reprimanded or punished for the mistakes he made. The child therefore grows up knowing that he is in control and is ever right. He becomes a spoilt child who believes that he must always have their way in everything. This has negative effects on the relationships that the child gets into. Co-existing with others becomes difficult and such a child is more likely to make more enemies than friends.“A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told.”

The other quit common example is people preferring solitude, and the anti-social behavior, which is considered as psychological disorder, that also finds its roots to the early days. This happens especially of the child grows up in a family where there is a lot of abuse whether physical or emotional. This also occurs when a child suffers from neglect as a child. Such children may have difficulty in making friend and trusting people as they find it easier to push people away than to open up.

Depression, that you would found as an everyday problem and the poor souls having low self-esteem. Maybe one of your best friends to who needs your backing in his or her every decision, basically there was some disruption that still shows its signs. A child who is never allowed to make decisions, and who is constantly criticized, belittled and who goes through abuse is likely to have low self-esteem. Moreover, it becomes worse when the child goes through sexual abuse as a child. Such forms of abuse are also known to make children more prone to violent behaviors. Children who are exposed to abuse and violence are likely to become violent people. They grow up believing that violence is the only way to solve issues.

More to add, neglected children and those who are exposed to abuse are more likely to be prosecuted for juvenile delinquency. Other common effects of bad parenting include drug addiction, infamy, failure to thrive and poor growth and development both physically and mentally. These poor souls are the easy targets for wolves hovering around. If you are not a good gardener, then better not to flower.


Munaza Kazmi holds MPhil in Management Sciences (Bahria University Islamabad, 2020). She’s a travel writer, an author, & co-author of scientific contributions in national & international publications. Her main areas of research include tourism & quality management.

